Oct 18, 2012

Product I've Been Loving: St. Ives Apricot Scrub

Hello, gorgeous!

Today I will be talking to you about a prodcut that I've been using for two months now and I really love it!
I'm not big on scrubs becuse my skin is sensitive and it reacts badly with anything strong, but I decided to try St. Ives scrub because I've read many good things about it and it exfoliates lightly! So I tried it and it turned out to be amazing! It's so delicate on my skin and it clears it out and removes any oil on T-zone, it gives your skin a lovely soft feel to it. The thing is it doesn't exfoliate at all, and that's why I liked it, I don't want any exfoliation but it does brighten your skin slightly.

As you can see it is oil free so it is perfect for those who have oily skin. I believe it would work with those who have acne because it is light and it wouldn't damage the skin.

As you can see it has 3 different beads in it that help with cleansing your skin and clearing your pores! It also smells good and refreshing.

I honestly would give this product 9.5 out of 10 because it really suits my skin type which is; combination.

Have a good day


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