Jan 29, 2012

Pokemon: Pikachu Nails

Hello everyone! 
Today I recreated a very adorable Pikachu nail art design. Very easy to create and extremely CUTE!

Strat by painting all of your nails yellow.

 Create 2 big black dots on your ring & index fingers using the back of a make up brush.

 Create 2 big red dots on your pinky & thumb also using the back of a make up brush. Then finish out the eyes with 2 smaller white dots using a bobby pin.

Create a tiny upside down triangle on your middle finger using a thin art brush for pikachu's nose.

 This is how it should look like.

 Use a very thin art brush, dip into a black polish and try to create Pikachu's zig zag mouth.

This is how it should look like when you're done I really hope you enjoy it. ^.^

1 comment:

  1. yellow,black and white nail polish color is really delightful!!good job!at all events, in case that you will want to know some information about all necessary fashion Nail Fashion as well as others info. so you will can to visit this site for achieve some information.
