Aug 29, 2012

Dreamcatcher Nail Art Design.

Hello, lovelies!

Today I will be showing you probably the most time consuming nail art desgin!
It is this pretty dreamcatcher design and dreamcatcher are one of the many things that I love!
It is a difficult design but with practice it'll be easy.

Let's get started!

Start off by applying any kind of dark or pastal shade, I chose this purple gray color!

Using a very thin art brush dip it into black polish and create half a cirlcle like shown.

Create a triangle on the uper side of the circle.

Create another triangle facing the previous one then add to lines next to the first triangle.

Connect the previous lines with lines coming from the second trinagle like shown.

Draw lines from the lines we connected previously.

Draw around the lower part of the nail and draw 3 lines coming out of the dreamcatcher.

Add white dots on the places shown.

Using a dotting tool dot on a peachy colored nail polish on the shown lines.

Add a blue dot to the middle line.

Apply a clear naipolish and you're done.



  1. where can I find Essie nail polish in Riyadh ? :(

  2. I don't know really! I think you can find it in a that salon in Women Kingdom
